What the Bible Really Says About...
A new series correcting some of the misinterpretations that got the church off balance and have kept most believers from seeing some of the richest truths in the Bible. Topics include:
* The Gospel of the Kingdom
* The Sabbath
* Grace and the Law
* Heaven
* The New Covenant
Click on the page with the same name at left.
Below: Web host Stephen Zimmerman (at left) and his wife Alejandra at their son Ephraim's initiation into the covenant (by circumcision) on the eighth day. More photos on the "About Zim Lechem" page.
If you're new to this whole perspective on Bible study, or just want something concise to pass on to a friend, we now have a page that provides introductory briefings on some of the central themes we emphasize. Topics include:
* Appointments with our Creator
* "My People will Know My Name"
* The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel
* Understanding "Clean and Unclean"
* Are You Building the Right House?
* "So That I May Dwell Among Them"
* One New Man
Also available in pamphlet form. (Visit the "Our Books and Videos" page.)
TORAH FOR THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL now has its own web site: www.torahforthewholehouseofisrael.20m.com. br> A NEW ARCHIVE of all Torah portions as well as Isaiah can now be found at to http://www.bethlechemarchive.20m.com
A BALLAD FOR EPHRAIM Click on "The Return of the Rest of Israel"